Prof. Dr. Uta Wilkens

Project Lead
Ruhr University Bochum / Institute of Work Science

Prof. Wilkens has more than twenty years of experience in leading collaborative research projects, especially funded by DFG, BMBF, or BMEL, in editing Special Issues in the fields of organization studies, competencies, and new technologies from the workforce perspective. She is author of more than 150 publications, peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and book chapters. With her projects and publications she addresses research questions of specific relevance in interdisciplinary research communities, e.g. with respect to the meaning of artificial intelligence (AI) in work settings or of human-centricity of technology design. Prof. Wilkens builds bridges between disciplines and elaborates on the weak ties between communities in order to create strong ties for the future. Her impact is visible in academia and in universities’ third mission based on industry partnership and executive trainings. The competence center humAIne, founded in 2021, where she is speaker of, gained high visibility and recognition in the Ruhr valley within only two years. Prof. Wilkens has strong network, collaboration, and leadership skills for building and sustaining research communities across disciplines and countries. She is constantly invited as keynote speaker in the fields of human-centered AI and organizational change in both spheres, research and practice. She is elected to certain scientific and company advisory boards and member of the acatech expert group Learning Systems, a network of leading researchers in the field of AI.